Since everyone else was doing it, I guess I better play along. Hope you learn some things!
1. My name is Carrie, but I always wanted to be Felicia.
2. My favorite color is blue.
3. I have always lived in Tennessee, but have lived in eight different houses or apartments (mostly in Winchester and Murfreesboro).
4. I’m an only child, but my mom worked hard to make sure I wasn’t a brat. I hope she succeeded.
5. My favorite time of the year is the Fall. It is cool but still sunny and there is nothing better than football season.
6. My husband says that he can’t believe he married a woman who loves football more than he does. Go Vols!!!!!
7. One day I want to grow my own food and learn to can, pickle and preserve.
8. I majored in Public Relations: Recording Industry in college and have never used my degree.
9. What I have used are the cooking, cleaning and laundry skills I learned while living on my own in college.
10. I always dreamed of marrying a musician and waking up in the middle of the night to him playing a beautiful romantic song on the guitar.
11. I married a musician and wake up to him snoring or elbowing me in the back.
12. I always wanted to have lots of kids.
13. We are expecting our first baby in February after four years of trying, three surgeries and two cycles of IVF.
14. I once got Lance in trouble for spray painting “LED ZEPPLIN” on a road close to my house when he was in high school, but I didn’t actually know he did it until I jokingly said at the Brock’s dinner table, “I figured you did it since that sounds like something you would do, Lance.” Since he can’t lie, he fessed up to it. I’ve always felt sorry for getting him in trouble!
15. I was in band for one year and played the trumpet.
16. I was in chorus for two years and was a soloist.
17. I tried out for show choir three times and never made it.
18. I meet my husband in high school and thought he was a typical annoying prankster that was in band with my best friend’s brother.
19. I saw my husband in college and thought he was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. (It’s the blue eyes)
20. I came home from my first date with Clark and told my roommate that I was going to marry him.
21. She apologized to me at my wedding for not believing me when I told her that.
22. I wish life were fair and I wish people didn’t take advantage of others, but most of all I wish we could vote in a government that could make life easier for our elderly.
23. I would like to see welfare reformed. The concept is a good idea, but the thought of my tax dollars paying for lazy women to have numerous children from different daddies and not have to work because of it, and then neither the government nor my own insurance would lift a finger to help me and my husband bring a child into a loving Christian home, bugs me! Sorry I need to vent sometimes.
24. I think a sense of humor is one of the most attractive things about a person.
25. I always wanted to be a singer when I grew up.
26. I changed my major five times in college.
27. I have a Golden retriever named Cheyanne.
28. I have had cats, dogs, and fish growing up, but dogs are my favorite. They have such great personalities.
29. I used to sing into my hair brush and dance around my room when I was young.
30. Sometimes, I wish I could go back to that time. The 80’s were cool.
31. I remember where I was when the Challenger exploded and President Reagan got shot.
32. I always wanted to take ballet.
33. My hero when I was little was Mary Lou Retton. I even wanted the American flag leotard like she wore. Go USA!!!!!
34. My favorite New Kid on the Block was Donnie Wahlberg. I always had a thing for bad boys.
35. Walking to piano lessons from the elementary school was a little creepy. (Right, Libby?)
36. I was an actress in high school, had lead parts in the plays and won a lot of awards for it in competition.
37. I minored in Theatre in college.
38. I wasn’t “gay” enough or “troubled” enough to major in Theatre in college. ( In other words, I was a straight girl with a good life and loving family)
39. I worked on the Concerts Committee in college and got to see George Strait, White Zombie, Rod Stewart and AC/DC for free. Believe it or not, White Zombie had the nicest fans and Rod Stewart had the worst. I had to help throw four middle age women out of the Rod Stewart concert for fighting with the people sitting behind them.
40. I have a hard time knowing what my talents are and having dreams and goals to strive for.
41. I love to cook, but hate to clean up.
42. My laundry never makes it past the basket after it is dry. You should see me and Clark digging through four baskets of laundry to find clean underwear, socks, shirts and pants that go together.
43. TV takes up way too much of society’s time.
44. I love TV.
45. I was named after my Great-grandmother’s favorite teacher, Ms. Carrie, and my mom, Linda. (Carrie Lynn)
46. I have worked at Sewanee for 8 years, and I want to quit in 8 months. (I want to be a stay at home mom)
47. I sold tennis shoes to pay for my apartment in college.
48. I would prefer vanilla to chocolate ice cream, sugar cookies to any other kind, and cheese pizza to one with toppings. I guess I just like the simple things.
49. My tastes have changed since I’ve been married. I now eat brussels sprouts, asparagus, cooked onions, cooked carrots and seafood. I love crab legs.
50. I was always a little envious of other kids that brought their lunch because they brought M&M’s in their lunch. My mom thought they had too much sugar. Now I’m thankful she thought that way.
51. I’ve always had a best friend, all my life. (Our parents were even friends before we were born)
52. I went to San Diego, CA for my 21st birthday. It was the first and last time I have been on a plane.
53. I want to go to Maine to eat Lobster.
54. I would like to read more and have more time for all the hobbies I have started but never finished.
55. I used to embarrass my mom by telling people stories that happened on soap operas as if they happened in real life. I didn’t mean to, I just thought someone should know that the “bus Jeff was driving turned over and hurt a lot of kids, but Dr. Weber said no one was killed and they would all be fine.”
56. My husband says that my family tree doesn’t branch because we are all from Sherwood.
57. Out of four McClain children, two of them married into Sherwood families, Clark and his sister Janet. Who’s family tree doesn’t branch now, Clark!
58. I currently work for Sewanee: The University of the South, Century 21, I'm on the aiport board, I decorate cakes and I teach at church (although now I only teach VBS and as a substitute). I really need to give something up.
59. I had braces in junior high school for two years.
60. I’ve had glasses since 3rd grade and contacts since 7th.
61. Only one girl ever called me four eyes and I hit her for it.
62. I’ve never cared for dating around, I always liked a one on one relationship.
63. However, I did have a lot of boys who were friends that I hung out with when I was in school. I always told daddy that they weren’t dates, just “outings”.
64. My uncle told me one time that he mailed me a Cabbage Patch doll for my birthday when I was in 3rd grade, but it must have gotten lost in the mail. I never really believed him and neither did my parents.
65. I don’t like to fly in planes, but I’m a member of the Winchester Municipal Airport Authority Board.
66. I’m thinking of retiring my real estate license and becoming a photographer for my next career.
67. I have to know what everyone else is ordering before I can order at a restaurant.
68. I’m not a morning person and neither is my husband, which makes for a grumpy morning and a lot of apologetic lunch time phone calls.
69. I used to not like sitting on the end of the pew at church, but I’ve gotten over that.
70. When I leave a message on the answering machine, I use all the time that the machine gives me and talk to it like I’m talking to the actual person.
71. Never feel like you can’t mail someone a letter or send someone a card and never talk bad about junk mail. Junk mail paid for my house growing up, my first car, half of my college education and numerous other things. (Thanks daddy for always reminding me of that!)
72. Of all the people who have come and gone in my life, I have the cried the most for a fallen soldier. I miss you Alex!
73. Every year on Christmas Day we have breakfast at mom and dad’s and then open presents. This has been our tradition since I can remember. Next year the tradition will have to change locations.
74. I like Coke rather than Pepsi, and yes there is a taste difference.
75. My first car was a white Chevrolet Celebrity, and I wrecked it ever year that I had it.
76. My first wreck, I took out the Holiday Marina sign at the lake and they never replaced it. Now they have a new sign on the other side of the turn off to the Marina.
77. My dream car is a red corvette.
78. My dad said he would never be able to buy me a real Vette, so one Christmas he got me a remote control one. I still have it.
79. I took two Military Science classes in college to meet two of the required PE credit hours.
80. My biggest fear is dying and the worse way I think would be to drown. However, I love to swim and spend a lot of time on the lake. Be careful and wear a life jacket!
81. I have always been a nail biter until the past couple of months and I think with the vitamins I’ve been taking for the baby, they grow quicker than I can bite them off.
82. I love to go shopping with my mom, she finds the best buys.
83. I wish I could stick to a budget.
84. I would like to be more organized, but I’m not sure I could function if I were more organized.
85. I hate the color pink, but I guess I will have to deal with it if I have a girl.
86. I wear a size 7.5 shoe and have since the seventh grade.
87. I have an orange belt in Karate.
88. I smoked in high school and college and only told my parents a few months ago.
89. I’m glad I quit when I was 21, and I wish Clark would quit.
90. This list stuff is making me think too much and I don’t like to think this much.
91. I accidentally stole my best friend, Karen’s boyfriend in high school. My best friend from church, Melena, stole the boy that I had been sort of seeing when I was in college. I deserved it.
92. Karen and I didn’t let a boy come between us.
93. The boy that I stole from her in now getting a divorce. I’m glad I found Clark.
94. I don’t really care for crossword puzzles.
95. My worst subjects were science and vocabulary.
96. My best subjects were English, Math and Accounting.
97. I hated Math, especially Mr. Maxon’s Algebra class.
98. I played Softball for 1 year and decided it wasn’t for me.
99. My favorite vacation spot is Panama City Beach, but I bet if I ever went to Hawaii, that would become my new favorite vacation spot.
100.I’m glad this list is done because I’m out of ideas. Enjoy!